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Work with your brain
and act from your heart
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  • INNOCAD Architektur ZT GmbH
  • Grazbachgasse 65a
    8010 Graz, Austria
  • +43 316 710324 - 0



Herausgeber und Medieninhaber
Grazbachgasse 65a
8010 Graz

T +43 (0)316 710324
F +43 (0)316 71032418

Vertretungsberechtige Geschäftsführer: Martin Lesjak, Peter Schwaiger
Firmenbuchnummer FN 177114m
Landesgericht Graz
UID-Nr ATU 48900104

Raiffeisenbank Aichfeld
Konto Nr. 00012223129 BLZ 38346
IBAN AT763834600012223129

Concept & Webdesign: INNOCAD and Nice Department
Webdevelopment: Nice Department New Media OG

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Despite our careful check in regards to the content, INNOCAD is not responsible for the content of any external links. For the content of these linked pages, each appropriate operator is exclusively responsible.

Copyright © INNOCAD, 2015 - 2025, All rights reserved

Contact / Imprint




To enhance, expand and improve our quality of life through architecture, design and art.

INNOCAD stands for...

INterdisciplinary …
The individual skills of our multi-talented team is our greatest value. This flexibility gives us an advantage, offering truly interdisciplinary solutions and enables us to collaborate with partners from different fields.

NOn conformist …
By learning from the past we strive to create the future. Our mission is to use research and curiosity to drive innovation to make the world a better place.

We care about the environment and respect all beings. We act thoughtfully, patiently and contextually in order to reach the best imaginable result for all.

Distinctive …
Our approach is universal, open minded and often different at the same time. We imbue our work with personality and creativity which enable unique and wholelistic solutions that have character and balance.



We work out of context and have an analytical and pragmatic approach to create designs that have meaning and purpose but often go against the grain of conventionality.

While our approach may sometimes seem simple, our work is inspired by a myriad of influences that enable us to sample, extend and reinterpret concepts into new forms. We provide a unified roadmap for each project that offers an informed point of view. And most importantly, each project has a central “idea” which is paramount, provides a clear vision and direction throughout the project.


Our inspiration comes from a variety of world influences. Our mantra is: Work with your brain and act from your heart. We don’t design for design’s sake. We are inspired by the details and creative process taken to develop innovative solutions for any design challenge. We are not pursuing an ideal that complies with a flawless pursuit of beauty in design and architecture. We firmly believe in embracing objects that have a personality and are imbedded with idiosyncrasy.