Special Issue "Architects"
Issue 01 / 2024
“INNOCAD architecture”
"The Stage"
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The redesign of THE STAGE, a multifunctional, cross-media space in Vienna for the Viennese Economic League, is located at Mozartplatz in the 4th district. In collaboration with the Austrian architecture firm Unverblümt, INNOCAD remodeled the space and developed the interior design to create a stage for collective exchange at various business-related occasions and events. The idea behind the design concept relies on “contingency” – in the sense of a transformative spatial character, but also in selected materials that serve as a medium for different uses and demands. THE STAGE consists of two and a half floors divided into areas with different uses. The lower level houses the “rehearsal stage” as a more private and collaborative space for entrepreneurs, while the ground floor's “main stage” provides space for events and public lectures. Multifunctional retreat areas are located in the lower floor and the top floor, alongside a kitchen and lounge for informal meetings. Sustainability is not just a phrase, but an integral part of our projects, which involves much more than just a choice of materials and also promotes interaction between space and people. For the THE STAGE project, this concept was implemented in various facets. For the interior design, natural materials such as wood and screed were used, which in turn were notched into different surfaces. This composite of smooth and rough interior facades reflects the interplay of analog and digital media, telling a story of the economy and its goals. A highly directional 3d digital sound system by Rohde Acoustics was integrated into the Viennese Economic League, reflecting sustainability on an acoustic level. The generated soundscapes are a perfect basis for lectures, discussions or meeting situations, offer additional auditory quality for scenic, radio play-like interactions and allow the creation of small sound bubbles that can only be heard by one person. In redesigning the interior of the Forum, an immersive, cross-media “rehearsal stage” was created. The space is intended to stimulate creativity, contribute to the development of knowledge, and foster the entrepreneurial spirit. The transformative, spatial programming encourages people to question the current situation and actively participate in workshops. It's a playful approach to the business association's core competencies of supporting, networking and representing entrepreneurial people. Adjustable screens and media walls with reversible wings were installed to divide the space to support this thought process and focus on people as an active part in relation to modern technology. In addition, the space supports open and flexible interaction and action without predefined agendas for use and functions, but can be constantly rearranged – a stage for any performance. This can strengthen and promote the development of an economic network, a company or individual groups.
Oliver Kupfner, Martin Lesjak, Jörg Kindermann, Ekehardt Rainalter (Unverblümt)
Special Issue "Architects"
Issue 01 / 2024
“INNOCAD architecture”
"The Stage"