Issue 10 / 2016
Herausgeber und Medieninhaber
Grazbachgasse 65a
8010 Graz
T +43 (0)316 710324
F +43 (0)316 71032418
Vertretungsberechtige Geschäftsführer: Martin Lesjak, Peter Schwaiger
Firmenbuchnummer FN 177114m
Landesgericht Graz
UID-Nr ATU 48900104
Raiffeisenbank Aichfeld
Konto Nr. 00012223129 BLZ 38346
IBAN AT763834600012223129
Concept & Webdesign: INNOCAD and Nice Department
Webdevelopment: Nice Department New Media OG
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retail space / corporate architecture / curved elements / modular display system / multifunctional furniture / flexible product displays / circular configurations / customer transition / individual zones / busbar lighting systems / round mirrors / space efficiency / transparent effects / bluring boundaries between interior and product
INNOCAD’s design concept for MPO’s retail space in Padua is a modular, multifunctional and flexible display system, adaptable for various locations. The corporate identity of MPO, an international eyewear company and high-end frame and lens producer and distributer, inspired the curved elements in the spacial design, relating to the shape of the human eye and eyeglass lenses. Circular forms are a functional and esthetic element for the overall design and can be seen incorporated into the modular display system, the furniture, as well in store’s façade and windows. The movable display system consists of modules that can be arranged in a serpentine-like style, or in circular configurations, encouraging customers to move throughout the retail space. With varying heights, the segments create transitions in the center of the store, as well as individual zones that are highlighted by curved busbar lighting systems. Rounded, multifunctional wall elements (displays, shelves and advertising) are reflected in the large mounted mirrors to broaden the perception of the space within the curvatures. The adjoining room is also space efficient, with a customized cabinet that separates a workbench and kitchenette from the refraction room and offers plenty of storage space. The function and form of the lens as a metaphorical element is artistically portrayed in the storefront windows: Tinted foil allows for the transparent effect of light and dark, symbolizing optical and sunglass lenses. By incorporating all of the functional, multi-configurable needs of retail content with consistent corporate identity, this multipliable concept reflects INNOCADs approach to future retail that blurs the boundaries between interior and product design within the space.
Oliver Kupfner
Michael Petar, Martin Lesjak, Harald Glanz, Dominik Gladik
Issue 10 / 2016