Issue 01 / 2018
"Fontana Golfclubhaus - Oberwaltersdorf"
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Fontana / Golf club / reconstruction / redesign / neo-classical building / landscape architecture / hospitality / corporate identity / existing structure / contemporary ambiance / zones / reception / event / living room / bar / lounge / fine dining / each space has its own characteristics / material / color code / mainly customized furniture / artistic wallpaper / weathered steel entrance
The reconstruction and interior design for the Fontana Golf Club - a neo-classical building from the late 80’s located near Vienna, Austria - is centered on the company's recent rebranding. The new golf club`s logo - segments of a circle - is graphically abstracted and the inspiration of the redesigned façade as well as the forecourt's landscape architecture. Aiming to balance the existing structure with the implementation of the client`s corporate identity, the weathered steel entrance creates a dialogue between the contemporary interiors and the building's exterior. The backbone of the interior design concept is an artistic wallpaper developed to connect, visually and physically, all areas - reception, event, living room, bar, lounge and fine dining. While each space has its own characteristic material, color code and mainly customized furniture that characterize different zones, the design's overall interaction remains strongly coherent and harmonious. By meticulously restoring the ceiling, the remaining wall and floor layout gives an impression of an inserted contemporary layer into the pure historical structure that stands out due to the lightness and wideness above. The connection of the function zones are enhanced with haptic, natural surfaces aligned with the entrance of the building that reflect a journey through space and time.
Oliver Kupfner
Martin Lesjak, Harald Glanz, Dominik Gladik, Jörg Kindermann, Michal Kniaz
Issue 01 / 2018
"Fontana Golfclubhaus - Oberwaltersdorf"
Issue 02 / 2017