Martin Lesjak and Anastasija Lesjak
Neue Ganzheitlichkeit
Gmunden, AUT
Herausgeber und Medieninhaber
Grazbachgasse 65a
8010 Graz
T +43 (0)316 710324
F +43 (0)316 71032418
Vertretungsberechtige Geschäftsführer: Martin Lesjak, Peter Schwaiger
Firmenbuchnummer FN 177114m
Landesgericht Graz
UID-Nr ATU 48900104
Raiffeisenbank Aichfeld
Konto Nr. 00012223129 BLZ 38346
IBAN AT763834600012223129
Concept & Webdesign: INNOCAD and Nice Department
Webdevelopment: Nice Department New Media OG
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collaboration with Hinterwirth Architekten ZT
Located at an important intersection in a developing area of Gmunden, Haus Salzkammergut introduces a flexible, mixed-use complex to the town, while distinctly responding to its environment. The project is a significant unifier within its urban context, given the dissimilar assortment of nearby buildings and typologies. Its neighborhood impact, multi-functionality, and sustainable consciousness make the campus that forms important urban connections, while providing functional and inviting spaces for the town. Spatially, the building form is molded by connections and extensions of existing city axes. A protected building on the site, formerly housing the city’s forestry commission office, provides a historic backdrop to add upon. A new, 3-story home for Raiffeisen Bank makes up the project’s second large mass, and a connecting volume filled with varied programs merges the two. Immediately linking the town to the site is a large-scale ramp stretching generously from the street to the building. The materiality of the project plays a key role, in keeping with the values of the clients and inspired by the lakeside town’s water, rock, sky scenery. On the exterior, wood is used as a reduced architectural language, conservative in nature but dynamic in application. Trapezoidal lamellas line the façades of the new structure, often adjustable and establishing a dancing language. Functionally, the building acts as a sort of “stadtmöbel” for the town, multi-faceted and progressive. A large semi-public space on the ground floor, additional spaces for third-party providers, garden, and a café are included. The multi-purpose space linking old and new at the center of the site is the heart of the project, and can be used by clients, visitors, office workers, bank members, and the public. A footbridge connecting the new multi-use complex and the existing building is designed as a shadow-filled transition space with a view of the terrace.
Patrick Handler, Martin Lesjak, Jörg Kindermann, Michal Kniaz, Elisabeth Krammer, Fabio Molaro, Sabrina Stadlober
Martin Lesjak and Anastasija Lesjak
Neue Ganzheitlichkeit
Gmunden, AUT
Architekturzentrum Wien
AUT, 2020
German / English
280 pages
Hardcover, 29,4 x 22 cm
ISBN: 978-3-03860-217-0