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  • INNOCAD Architektur ZT GmbH
  • Grazbachgasse 65a
    8010 Graz, Austria
  • +43 316 710324 - 0



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Residential, Retail, Best of | 2008 | Graz, AUSTRIA

Rose am Lend

Best Architects 13
Architekturpreis Land Steiermark 2008
Ecola Award 2010
Rose am Lend
Rose am Lend
Rose am Lend
Rose am Lend
Rose am Lend
Rose am Lend
Rose am Lend
Rose am Lend
Rose am Lend
Rose am Lend
Rose am Lend


  • Exterior Architecture
  • Engineering
  • Interior Architecture
  • Interior Design
  • Lighting Design
  • Site Supervision
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Project Management

Refurbishment and extension / lend square / market place / protected as an historic / take up its baroque origin / identity in a highly heterogeneous urban environment / becoming a city´s landmark

The Lend district mediates heterogeneity through urban growth as well as its vibrant appearance, becoming one of the most attractive areas of the Graz city. Its essential part, the Lendplatz square, an old farmer’s marketplace, naturally captures the cultural landmark of its trade traditions, offering encounter zones for interpersonal exchange. Contrary to investors’ habits of demolishing the old gable-ended houses in the area, the architects acquired the property with partners and developed a concept that remains and extends one of the oldest buildings on the square. The project assisted as well the country’s renovation program which allows social variation through low-cost lettings. By incorporating a persisting, square facing, structure from the Baroque period of the late 18th century with a new construction added in the courtyard, the building called “Rose am Lend” has been consciously brought into a context of a surrounding’s complex historic and contemporary substance. A central element, the rose, reference formally to the time when the old part was constructed but also contently in the name itself, relating to a statue of the holy Rosalia on the square. This motif appears throughout the entire design, customizing wrought-iron flowers on the railings which complement the large rose relief on the facade. The “Rose am Lend,” a four story building consisting of eleven dwelling units and commercial space on the ground floor, creates a powerful and unmistakable identity.

  • project name: Rose am Lend
  • function: Residential, Retail, Best of
  • location: Graz, AUSTRIA
  • client:
    • GOLDEN NUGGET project development
  • floor space: 790 m²
  • number of floors: 4
  • number of units: 11
  • construction start: 07 / 2007
  • completion: 09 / 2008
  • construction cost: EUR 980.000
  • project team:
    • Oliver Kupfner
      Bernd Steinhuber, Margit Spreitzer, Martin Lesjak, Reinhard Schütz, Roland List

  • photographer: Paul Ott