Issue 02 / 2017
"In The Now"
Herausgeber und Medieninhaber
Grazbachgasse 65a
8010 Graz
T +43 (0)316 710324
F +43 (0)316 71032418
Vertretungsberechtige Geschäftsführer: Martin Lesjak, Peter Schwaiger
Firmenbuchnummer FN 177114m
Landesgericht Graz
UID-Nr ATU 48900104
Raiffeisenbank Aichfeld
Konto Nr. 00012223129 BLZ 38346
IBAN AT763834600012223129
Concept & Webdesign: INNOCAD and Nice Department
Webdevelopment: Nice Department New Media OG
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Zeitgeist / hairdressing salon / retail / space planning / narrow space /expansion of space / most efficient infrastructure / central perspective images / angled mirrors / larger room appearance / transparent mirrors / airy-floating impression / optimizing working / linear designed furniture / handcraft / atmospheric lighting
The young team at Zeitgeist hairdressing salon requested a trend-setting design that included the most efficient infrastructure possible in the small retail space. The client directive also included creating five work units for hairdressing and a washing area including two shampoo chairs. With this in mind, we developed an exceptionally well-organized and optically extended shop concept that maximizes space impression and offers sufficient room for the hair salon’s varied working areas and functions. The retail space of this ground floor hairdressing salon, located in center of the city Graz, Austria, has high pedestrian traffic. Therefore, it was essential to open the space with fully glazed windows so that people can browse and watch the salon activities. Since the salon is a narrow space requesting five working units, the design concept includes central perspective images on the walls as well as the mirrors in the center of the shop in aim to achieve the optical illusion of a larger space. The angled mirrors in the middle of the space lifts the ground into the third dimension without competing with the captivating images on the walls - offering a client´s view of themselves as well as a larger room appearance. The lower part of the mirror is also transparent which gives the entire installation an airy-floating impression in composition with pendant lighting. Moreover, by centrally arranging of the hairdressing chairs, the shop’s functional purpose is significantly moved into the middle of the space, optimizing working and movement. Display elements with analog screens, showing the latest hair creations that have been implemented between the wall coverings. This can also be used to present a range of hair care products that can be purchased afterwards. The linear designed furniture in the back of the shop has multiple purposes. It displays all hair dye products in a very representative way and covers the back office which includes storage, bathroom and the kitchenette. The room in general is kept dark with atmospheric lighting but has spots above the workplaces to provide enough light to cut and style hair.
Michael Petar
Jörg Kindermann, Martin Lesjak, Anastasija Lesjak
Issue 02 / 2017
"In The Now"
Issue 01 / 2017
German / English
"Friseursalon Zeitgeist in Graz"
Issue 12 / 2016
"Best of Year"
Issue 10 / 2016